
This department provides different types of medical imaging procedures to help diagnose and treat medical conditions. Our center has a range of modern medical imaging techniques such as sonar and X-rays. These services are provided by radiologists who have long and practical experience in this field to ensure the provision of high-quality imaging services and accurate diagnosis of cases


  • Using Sonar :
  • Examination of the gastrointestinal, urinary, and reproductive systems of the body
  • Examination of the musculoskeletal system, such as rupture of the tendons and examination of the muscles
  • Diagnosis of breast diseases
  • Examination of the musculoskeletal system, such as rupture of the tendons and examination of the muscles
  • Detection of pleural effusion
  • Using X-ray:
  • Diagnosis of fractures
  • Detection of bone diseases such as cysts and tumors
  • Detection of slipped vertebrae
  • Detection of delayed bone growth

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